While searching the internets for OverPower-related whatnots, I'd found where others were making cards. But I didn't really like how they looked. Maybe it's because I'm a anal-retentive perfectionist or something. But it got me started digging. With a little time, a little patience, and some help from WhatTheFont, I was finally ready.
I found the fonts thru a combination of Google, WhatTheFont, and torrents. I made the border for the Specials in Paint. That's right. Paint. I re-designed the Any-Power, Energy and Strength icons from scratch using a combo of Paint and Photoshop CS4. Intellect was from a scan using the same, and Fighting was all PSCS4 from some fist I found on Google. The templates for each type of card were all Photoshop, as well. Once I have the pic I need, it now only takes about 5-6 minutes at the most to make a Special, less for a Character card. Enjoy!
Official Disclaimer:
I am in NO WAY affiliated with anybody anywhere remotely related to the production, distriubution, mechanics, artwork,
or any other aspect (no pun intended) of the OverPower Card Game. I'd LOVE to be, but for now, I'm just a fan.
The closest I ever came was an e-mail discussion somewhere in my foggy memory
with Norman Barth,
OP and Heroclix rules guru, among other things. And honestly, I have no idea what it was about.
Please don't sue me. If you want something removed, just tell me, and I'll do it. I've had enough of lawyers for a lifetime. :)